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Wednesday, 04 November 2009



Thank you Imad for your comment. I believe there was no serious intent behind the iPhone restriction. This reminder of their kingdom boundaries was actually a good discussion opener. Anyhow, what can they do about it except be inspired for the 3.0 round. Great moves done and even more to come! ;)


Thank you for this information sharing and i will definitely visit it as soon as i will have a foot in Paris.
In regards of the refusal to let you taking pictures, was it only restricted to Iphones or extended to every smart phone or camera. Cuz if its the first possibility, i thing that Apple would have an interesting law case against Microsoft for unfaithful and inequality treatment, Otherwise, well, i just say puhhh...we are on life 2.0, aiming to 3.0 and pictures are the essence of memory.
Keep posting ;-)


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