I had been wondering for a few months what was going on with Microsoft Money. As a heavy user for more than 10 years (probably 15), I have a strong commitment - ie archive files - in the product. The news has just broken that Microsoft is stopping Microsoft Money (see details and analysis at http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10261742-56.html. I cannot say I am very happy with that! Beyond my personal use, there is an interesting product strategy point.
The CNET article explains the challenges Money has been facing in the US where Intuit and Mint have taken strong leadership in the category. However, that does not apply everywhere. For instance, the French market will be left with no real offering in that category. Intuit/Quicken deserted the French market a few years ago and Money had a leadership - by default. I suspect this is the case of many European markets.
A few take away :
- big players want and need worldwide markets - and at least leadership in the US
- good markets can still be left unserved --> that means opportunities for local and niche players
Hi, Frederic,
I'm a loyal user of Microsoft money too, and I fear the day when the downloading of my banking file records will end, and more probably quite soon the end of the share prices update download by their dedicated server!
Should we make a proposal to MS to acquire their french license and operations?
Let's discuss that!
Posted by: Patrick | Monday, 12 October 2009 at 19:25